How Dental Implants Work

Just one missing tooth can compromise the health and the structural integrity of your smile.

Missing teeth are not only embarrassing, but they also jeopardize the health of your smile and affect the quality of your life. Dental implants have become the “go-to” replacement option for missing teeth. Dental implants have a 95% success rate and provide patients with an extensive list of oral health benefits. Oakton, VA dentist Dr. Abbas Ahrabi offers full service dental implants.

Dental implants are prosthetic teeth. , The implant is designed to act and look like a natural tooth. Implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or a full arch of missing teeth. Dentures can be secured using dental implants for a more stable and long term solution to replacing a full set of teeth.

The Anatomy of The Dental Implant

The dental implant is made up of three major components. Each part plays a significant role in the long term success and health of the smile. The dental implant is most natural way to replace missing teeth.

The Dental Restoration

The dental restoration is the part of the dental implant that looks like an actual tooth. Dr. Ahrabi uses the most modern dental materials to create natural and beautiful dental restorations that blend seamlessly with your smile. The number and location of the missing teeth and the condition of the bone tissue determines the type of dental restoration a patient receives. Dental crowns are used to replace a single missing tooth, while bridges are more suitable for multiple missing teeth. Dental implants can also be used to secure a full denture for improved oral health and function.

The Abutment

It takes about 3-6 months for the dental implant post to heal fully after surgical placement. Once the implant post has healed, your Oakton dentist will attach a small abutment to the top of the implant. This abutment will protrude from the gum line and used to anchor the final dental restoration.

The Titanium Dental Implant Post

The dental implant post is essentially a small threaded screw. Dr. Ahrabie will surgically implant the post into the jaw bone replacing the missing root structure. The implant is made of biocompatible titanium and is designed to fuse with the jaw bone. The implant will stabilize the bite and help to regenerate the integrity of the jaw.

Full Service Dental Implant Treatment

Dr. Abbas Ahrabi is a highly trained and experienced implant dentist in Oakton, VA. Dr. Ahrabi offers full-service dental implant treatment plans all from the comfort of our Oakton, VA dentist office. Our in house dental implant treatment plans streamline the patient experience and helps to regulate high-quality results you expect.

Our dental care team will assist you through every phase of the implant treatment. Patients often can save money, time and do not require additional visits to a specialist. If you are missing teeth, contact our Oakton, VA dentist office to learn more about how dental implants can restore the health, function, and beauty to your smile.

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