Common Dental Problems And Their Symptoms

There’s nothing worse than an issue developing and worsening with your teeth or gums. It’s best not to wait until the last minute to investigate your problem and seek treatment. Here’s information about some of the most common dental problems and their symptoms.


Of course, one of the most common dental issues is a general toothache.

Toothaches can be felt simply in a single area around a tooth in the mouth, or they can worsen and begin to be felt in the jaw. There are a few different things that may be the cause for a toothache, but in most cases, toothaches are caused by damage or decay to a tooth.

It’s best to alert your dentist as soon as you feel even a slight bit of pain or discomfort in your tooth; if it is a cavity and the cavity is left untreated, it has the potential to worsen to the point that you may need a root canal or even to have the tooth extracted in order to successfully treat the issue. 

The treatment for your toothache will vary depending upon the cause, but your treatment may include a filling, crown, root canal, or even a tooth extraction.


Sensitivity in the teeth can be extremely uncomfortable.

In most cases, it’s common for sensitivity only to be felt when the tooth or teeth come in contact with something hot or cold. This is often a sign of worn enamel, tooth decay, fractured teeth, or gum disease.

Depending on the source of your sensitivity, your treatment will vary. If you have extensive damage or decay in the tooth, it is possible that you may need a root canal or possible tooth extraction. 

Other treatment options include deep cleanings, fillings, dental crowns, and more.

Bleeding And Sore Gums

Bleeding or soreness in the gums, especially when brushing, is often an indication of gingivitis. 

If you experience these symptoms even when your gums are left untouched, this may be an indication that gingivitis has progressed into gum disease.

Gingivitis can be treated and successfully reversed with one deep cleaning followed by routine regular cleanings. Gum disease can not be reversed, but it can be prevented from progressing. In order to do this, you’ll need to regularly attend deep cleaning appointments, during which your hygienist will remove harmful bacterias from your mouth and place antibiotics to keep the area clean and healthy in-between cleanings.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores can be extremely uncomfortable, but in most cases they heal on their own in a few days to a week.

If you have a persistent sore in your mouth that does not seem to be healing on its own, it’s crucial that you inform your dentist right away. Mouth sores can be caused by a number of things, including a broken filling or tooth that is rubbing against the tongue, bacteria or fungus, and oral cancer.

Treatment for your mouth sore will vary depending on the cause.

Top Dentist in Oakton, VA

Here at Oakton Dental Center, we offer comprehensive dental services to help keep your teeth healthy, strong and beautiful.

We proudly service Oakton and the surrounding areas of Fairfax and Vienna. For more information about our services or to get scheduled for an appointment in our Oakton dental office, give us a call anytime at (703) 938-3405

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